redevelopment liquor licence -  downtown development authority

Applicants must: 
Be a business engaged in dining, entertainment or recreation and open to the general public. 

  • Have a seating capacity of at least 25 people; 
  • Have spent at least $75,000 for the rehabilitation or restoration of the building where the license will be housed over a period of the preceding five years or a commitment for a capital investment of at least $75,000 that will be spent before the issuance of the license; 
  • Show that the total amount of private and public investment in real and personal property in a district listed above was at least $200,000 in the period covering the preceding five years. 

License questionnaire

what is the process?

To be considered for the license by the LCC: 

  1. The local unit of government must pass a resolution approving the applicant for an on-premise liquor license. The resolution should indicate  the license be issued under ​Section 521a (1)b of PA 501 of 2006.
  • The applicant makes a presentation to the DDA Board

At the time of the presentation the DDA Board may

  • place the request on hold until a future meeting 
  • or may choose to adopt a resolution recommending the License request to the City Council 
  • When a motion is made and accepted by the DDA Board, their recommendation will go to City Council within 45 days for a Proposed Resolution Approving, Authorizing, and Directing the City Clerk to Sign a Resolution of Local Approval for a Redevelopment Liquor License
  • These resolutions will then be packaged with:
  • the application, a copy of the original resolution establishing the DDA District,
  • a map identifying where the project is within the District and
  • an affidavit from the City Assessor that the public and private investment in the District during the past 5 years was at least $200,000 (multiplied for each Redevelopment Liquor License approved within a 5 year period)

   2.  All applicants will: 

  • Need to demonstrate that they have attempted to purchase a readily available escrowed or quota on premise license within the municipality that they want to operate, and that a license was not available. 
  • Pay a $20,000 fee for the license. Upon receipt of the documentation from the local unit of government, the necessary application forms, other required documents and inspection fees, the application will be authorized for investigation. 

The LCC will not transfer a license issued under this act to another location. If the licensee goes out of business, the licensee shall surrender
​the license to the LCC. The governing body of the local governmental unit may approve another applicant within the redevelopment project area or development district to replace 

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