After reading the information in the links below, check with the DDA office to ensure funds are available. This is an incentive reimbursement award, funded at the discretion of the DDA Board and it’s Design Team.
Portland Downtown’s Façade Incentive program has recently been revised in September of 2018. The program is still a voluntary, local funding award to encourage proper treatment of historic property parcels within the DDA district. It is designed to incentivize projects that follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Eligible parcels may receive up to $10,000 toward their project in any one fiscal year (July1-June 30). The program requires a 50/50 match and is paid after work is complete and all contractors are paid in full.
Portland’s Kent St. area was added to the National Register of Historic Places. Historic designation can raise property value and is an important aspect of a community’s economic development. Proper treatment while restoring an historic property may qualify it for state and federal historic tax credits. As a Nationally Registered Historic District, we adhere to the basic principal of economic development through historic preservation.
Application with required information must be submitted on the forms provided, 45-90 days prior to the anticipated project start date. If facade improvements begin prior to incentive funding approval, an applicant will not be eligible for the reimbursement. Please note that all funded improvements must be permanent and fixed in type and/or nature. Improvements must meet all City of Portland code requirements including zoning, building, and safety codes.
Permits such as building permits, sidewalk obstruction, and others may be required with the City of Portland for your project.
Please review the links below if you feel your property is a candidate for this special assistance.
We are excited to offer this program and encourage you to Contact Us with any questions, or for any assistance on your project.