Our purpose and reach extend well beyond the historic downtown corridor of Kent Street. We operate along Grand River Ave from Bridge Street to I-96, and Water Street from Grand River Ave to THK. Serving each of these property owners, businesses, residents and visitors to create and maintain an environment and resources for sustainability and growth throughout the district.
We have a rare opportunity!
It is our role to provide the infrastructure, sidewalks and streetscapes that will attract and retain private enterprise and enhance the downtown experience, not only for our residents, but also for those who visit and patronize our downtown.
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The City and its engineers, Fleis & VandenBrink (F&V), held several public workshops in April/May 2022 to present the results of the downtown parking study and gather feedback from downtown businesses and other stakeholders. A consistent theme emerged that the reduction in parking spaces and switch to parallel parking on both sides would pose a hardship. The initial design concepts which eliminated the diagonal parking were... (link below to learn more)
The following conceptual photos are only high-level renderings, not actual engineering design plans.
In light of legislative changes occurring since the last amendment, including the 2018 recodification of the underlying statutory authorization in a new legislative act (Recodified Tax Increment Financing Act, Public Act 57 of 2018) and some other changing content and compliance requirements, we concluded it appropriate to restate the existing development plan and tax increment financing plan in its entirety rather than amending individual sections of the existing plans, as previously amended, on a piecemeal basis.
The 2023 Restated Plan will extend the duration of tax increment capture for 30 years and includes an updated list of anticipated development projects. The City’s Development Area Citizens Council has previously reviewed and recommended the approval and implementation of the development projects, which was followed by the DDA Board review and recommendation to City Council
Following the public hearing, the City Council will have the opportunity to approve or reject the 2023 Restated Plan, or approve it with modification.
We're working hard to apply for funding in a range of areas. If and when we receive grants helps to determine when and how we can implement any awards.
possibilities for the former
Keusch Garage
Grand River Ave at the end of Kent Street
Keeping in mind, the wall along the river must be stabilized on this property.
Check in to this area for updates on
Divine Hwy BRIDGE
Engineering design plans will be developed later for use with bidding and construction.
We’re delighted to welcome you to our quaint, unique city. Portland is a community that boasts two rivers in a downtown district filled with natural beauty, where the rich history of the past meets the vibrant growth of the future. Portland is a place of shared memories filled with friends and neighbors pulling together powered by community business and property owners, employees and volunteers, along with residents and visitors of all ages. #miportland