Tina Conner Wellman
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@ MI Portland Downtown
Downtown Development BOARD of DIRECTORS (link)
Audit: For the Years Ending June 30, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 the DDA has received consistent 'Clean' Annual Audits
Contracted Service: Vegetation Control * Clock Maintenance * Hometown Decoration - Holiday Fest * Various Entertainment & Sound Equipment for Events * Various Rentals (tents, chairs, tables) for Events * Website Platform & Hosting * Community Gift Certificate Platform * Legal Services * Engineering Services
The current TIF Plan (Link) was developed with extensive community outreach and input, it reflects additional desired improvements within the district, and also shows the retirement of debt and obligations which were outstanding at the time the plan was put together.
DDA Board Meetings are held at 7pm on the 4th Mondays of each month. These meetings are held in the evenings to accommodate and encourage public participation of business & property owners, employees, and residents of the district.
All Minutes (Link)
Portland DDA was established in 1987. It is a designated district with a Board of Directors. The main focus is to utilize tax dollars to prevent deterioration and to promote economic growth. Plans include construction, renovation, repair, remodeling, and rehabilitation of public facilities and multi family dwellings within the district. The current TIF Plan was developed in 2014 and extends to 2038. Our funds to finance projects within the district come from taxes, event revenue, sponsorships, loans and grants.
Having a DDA District does not increase taxes -
we receive 3.7 cents of each property tax dollar collected on commercial properties within the district.
Links that answer F.A.Q.s:
Semi Annual Update Report of the DDA
Map of Portland DDA District with inlay of Historic District
Link to TIF Tax Increment Finance Plan -
Link here for Minutes of all MI Portland Downtown (DDA) Meetings
Annual DDA Audits with this link
Annual DDA Budgets with this link
City Code of Ordinances - Chapter 10, Economic Development - Article III Downtown Development Authority
Derived from Taxes, BeerFest, Sponsorships & Misc.
2018-2019 Year End Revenue $ 357,778
2019-2020 Year End Revenue $ 361,319
2020-2021 Year End Revenue $ 444,194
2021-2022 Year End Revenue $ 337,134
2022-2023 Year End Revenue $ 334,471
2023-2024 Year End Revenue $ 324,632
24-25 Projected Revenue $ 566,500
25-26 Budget Revenue $ 359,500
Operations, Wages/Benefits DDA, DPW, Parks-Rec, Electric. Services; Contractual, Legal, Engineering, Administrative. Downtown Decor, Fireworks, HolidayFest, Beerfest, Promo & Marketing, Repair & Maintenance, Office Equipment, Supplies, Capitol Expenses; Infrastructure & Placemaking
2018-2019 Year End Expense $ 206,285
2019-2020 Year End Expense $ 208,321
2020-2021 Year End Expense $ 171,593
2021-2022 Year End Expense $ 762,142
2022-2023 Year End Expense $ 152,535 2023-2024 Year End Expense $ 205,495
24-25 Projected Expense $ 852,478
25-26 Budget Expense $ 232,510
Encumbered Funds: savings reserved for future infrastructure projects as identified in the TIF-Development Plan. For example, splash pad and Toan Park $ 658,921
Saving for Kent Street and Plaza
Unencumbered Funds: for unplanned emergency & maintenance projects
Encumbered Unencumbered
2018-2019 $ 281,493 $ 84,000
2019-2020 $ 429,792 $ 84,000
2020-2021 $ 754,333 $ 50,000
2021-2022 $ 272,807 $ 50,000
2022-2023 $ 426,524 $ 60,000
2023-2024 $ 545,660 $ 60,000 24-25 Project $ 55,000 $ 60,000
25-26 Budget $ 218,000 $ 60,000
Portland City Hall debt paid in full 2018 * Splash Pad, Toan Park Renovations * Acquisition of 103 E. Grand River Ave (old blighted Keusch Garage) and initial clean up * Lighting of Veteran's Memorial Bridge & Paint Maintenance * New Street Lights on Water St & Repainting of 75% of the district Lamp Posts * Facade Incentive Program * Continuation volunteer management of Design, Organization, Business Enhancement & Community Promotion * Scout Park Renovation * Kent St. Clock - all new upgrades * Annual Fall and Holiday Décor * District Data Base, Property & Business Inventory * District Website - Directory, Calendar, Business & Property Resources, Vibrant Community * Downtown seasonal maintenance and custodial schedule * Portland Prime Community Gift Certificate Program * AmeriCorps VISTA full time Volunteer * Sesquicentennial Year of Celebrations & Commemoratives
12 Net New Businesses, New Owners, Business Upgrades * 6 New Volunteers to Regular Programs
MiPortland Brand * Positively Portland Video * Facebook Increased Engagement * Instagram & Twitter Increased Promo's * Visit Portland Coaster Campaign - Portland, Westphalia, Eagle, Pewamo, Ionia
Our EVENTS -Community Calendar (Link): *Sounds of Summer * Independence Fireworks *Beerfest on the Bridge (Provides funding for Holiday Fest) *MI Downtown Day *Small Business Saturday(s) * HolidayFest & Light Parade
Events we Participate in to Promo Portland -Community Calendar (Link): * Farmers Market * Local Parades *Community Day with Friends of the Red Mill *Community Theater *Harvest Fest *Turkey Trott *Santa Visits *deLIGHTful Portland Music/Light Show
We’re delighted to welcome you to our quaint, unique city. Portland is a community that boasts two rivers in a downtown district filled with natural beauty, where the rich history of the past meets the vibrant growth of the future. Portland is a place of shared memories filled with friends and neighbors pulling together powered by community business and property owners, employees and volunteers, along with residents and visitors of all ages. #miportland