This is how we do it! With an extraordinarily dedicated and invested Board of Directors, supported by TEAMwork regular volunteers, in collaboration with the City and it's Departments utilizing our, city, county and state resources. YOU can be a part of making a lot of wonderful things happen by joining us.
This is when we do it! on the 2nd Tuesday of each month 6:15pm at City Hall Council Chambers. Become a regular and see how even more gets done.
This is why we do it!
This is where we do it! 259 Kent Street, City Hall Council Chambers.
This is what we do!
Check out our complete and detailed lineup with this link
We’re delighted to welcome you to our quaint, unique city. Portland is a community that boasts two rivers in a downtown district filled with natural beauty, where the rich history of the past meets the vibrant growth of the future. Portland is a place of shared memories filled with friends and neighbors pulling together powered by community business and property owners, employees and volunteers, along with residents and visitors of all ages. #miportland